Food People with Special Breast cancer

Fell ill breast cancer? Anyone want to definitely avoid. Some recent research indicates there is some type of food that can prevent and reduce the risk of occurrence of breast cancer.

1. Wheat
We can consume grain cereals in the glass with milk every morning. Each half-cup wheat equivalent to 10 grams of fiber needs a useful measure to reduce estrogen in the body. Many opinion that a high degree of estrogen in the body can stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells.

2. Salmon and tuna
Based on a study in the United States, found that women who live around the river and always consume tuna and salmon each day, have a very small risk for breast cancer fell ill. This is suspected because of the womb omega-3 found in salmon and tuna.

3. Carrot and spinach
Women who did not consume carrot and spinach that have affected the risk of breast cancer two times higher than women who often mengonsumsi both types of vegetables.

4. Yoghurt
A research using yoghurt as a test experiment in the media, said that yoghurt can slow the growth of breast cancer cells.

5. Soybean milk
Substances contained in the milk was pure soybean can reduce the occurrence of breast cancer risk of 28% compared with the actual substance of the soybean processing.

6. Orange juice
Suspected of orange juice may slow the growth of breast cancer cells up to 50%. However, the statement still require further research to date.


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